What do teachers say?
How do you use the video lessons with your students?
- We use it progressively to inform our teaching as well as a daily video to share best practice with students.
- First, we watch and discuss key points. I then model on the board and the students begin. I roam the room correcting where needed.
- We watch, practice on whiteboards, discuss, then write in books every day.
- We use them as our explicit model.
- We complete them as a whole class, usually with four lessons in one go.
- We go through line by line; the teacher points out focus areas and roves while students practice the line.
- I use them to guide my teaching.
- I use the videos to support my classroom teaching.
- I teach correct posture, pen/pencil grip, letter formation and cursive. We use the video as a guide.
- We watch the clip. I model while learners hold their pencil and write in the air. They write while I rove and provide feedback. They self-assess. We repeat for the next focus.
- Every day we do formal handwriting using the Write Lessons. It's great for all students watching the videos.
- We use it as a systematic and cumulative scope and sequence that aligns with our Structured Literacy programme.
- We chat about it together and go through some things on the board. Then they sit at their desks, and we play the video and pause after each line. I will have a further talk and model on the board, then they do the line and I come around and give feedback and model in their books if needed.
- It’s our start of the day activity. It settles everyone into the day.
- The video is on my large screen at the front of the class and the children sit at their desks and work in writing books. They take it in turns to be in charge of the play/pause (which they love!) and that leaves me free to walk around class, watching them and praising/supporting. I do this 4 times a week. It takes around 10 minutes.
- Students follow along with the video which is projected on the class TV.
- Watch a video, discuss what we see (all letters are joined, the a and the e are the same height etc), practice with finger in air, write one line in their book, circle the best. Two or 3 videos for each lesson and then write words that have those letter combos.
- I show them the tutorial, then I follow up with a live demonstration from myself.
- I use it with my whole class with instant teacher feedback.
- Set up first thing in the morning (settles children and expectations that when they come into the room after the bell; it's down to work straight away). Am going through the lessons as they appear.
- We are using these to 'relearn' how to correctly form all letters so that we can use cursive handwriting. We feel this is valuable for a number of reasons.
- We watch the video together whole class, pause it and air write letters, and then practice cursive in our books.
- Present on tv, teacher repeat model then roving to support as whole class complete a line at a time. Also used in combination with BSLA and The Code explicitly linked to current spelling patterns being taught last year.
- We watch the main tutorial step by step. I also model and discuss letter formation and we discuss our success criteria at the same time.
- I use the video tutorials as part of a whole class lesson. First, we watch the tutorial, then I model the same letter formation, explicitly going over key points. Students then practice whilst I roam the room giving feedback and correcting where necessary.
- Play them as an example of how to form and join the letters.
- We watch as a class, we air draw, akonga watch me, they do.
- Play the video and talk about the key features. Replay the video as the children complete a line of the focus letter. We reflect and try to improve and then do the next video.
- Students and I watch together as I model. I play videos twice and the 2nd time allows me to give 1 or 2 children fast feedback.
- The videos ensure we have a consistent approach to formation & instruction across the classes.
- I play the video for cursive and for printing as I teach a year 3/4 class. The students begin the practice and I roam to check on posture, grip, help left handers adjust, positioning. I mark as I go. We do regular speed tests to see how we are improving. I use the lower case/capital recommended order. We began the year with numbers. We will move on to bigrams and we will use the days of the week as well.
- We do them as a whole class exercise daily. First, we use the lesson to model how to form the letters, then the children work independently as I come around to watch and monitor pencil grip and letter formation etc.
- I use them as an excellent model. I follow along on the whiteboard at the same time the students follow along in their books. I pause the video as required to allow time to complete and to highlight the main points.
- We watch the quick video together, I model on the white board, I do some mistakes that the students tell me what is wrong and how need to fix it, then they copy from the board while I roam.
- As a whole class, we watch the videos. We do 3 letters a day. We work through single letters and are now learning to join two vowels together.
What changes or benefits have you observed after using our lessons?
- The students are more attentive to their handwriting during other writing tasks. The students love doing handwriting and look forward to writing long words.
- The children love them and are very focused during handwriting. It is very helpful being able to play it more than once and to go back to it if some are not forming the letter correctly - especially helpful for those who reverse letters. Together students and I regularly check how their writing has improved. This year we have used pencils and the year 3 learners have made steady progress. Handwriting time is a very quiet and mindful learning time, and the children get a lot of satisfaction from seeing their handwriting improve.
- I know my class REALLY look forward to doing handwriting every day, because when I get back to class from morning tea, they are waiting for me with books out, ready to go! Having taught them handwriting using The Write Lesson videos for the last term and a half, they are starting to use their cursive handwriting in other areas of their writing, of their own accord. They are also proud of what they can achieve, and they love looking back at how far they've come.
- Better letter formation, fluency, more refined sizes and enjoyment.
- Students are using cursive more in their individual writing and consciously trying to improve outside of handwriting lessons. It has increased some students' speed and fluency of writing.
- The teaching is clear and consistent for the students. The videos take the pressure off of the teacher, and a reliever can pick up exactly where the students are up to in their learning.
- Better H/W. Short and easy vids- anyone can follow them!
- The kids love handwriting time. It's a low cognitive load mindful exercise and I've seen a massive improvement in their handwriting as a result. This helps at writing time as well.
- The students enjoy the videos and the daily explicit practice. I have noticed a great change in letter formation. I previously believed that handwriting was a junior school practice.
- We have never had a systematic approach to handwriting at my current school. Therefore, I have students in my class who have appalling handwriting because it is not being explicitly taught. These videos give me a scope and sequence to teach handwriting effectively. It is leading to improvements in letter formation and legibility.
- The video tutorials make a teacher's life a lot easier. Everything is there for you so it's easy and quick to implement often which means it's happening more often. It's gives consistency so if a reliever is in my class they too can use it and I know that it is consistent with the approach I use. Because handwriting is happening more often, the children's handwriting has improved greatly.
- The clear, concise lessons help and reinforce the work in lessons.
- The students are focused and love watching the videos; they are short and precise.
- Definitely an improvement in formation and fluency. By focusing on improving handwriting, we are wanting to reduce students' cognitive load at writing time.
- Markedly improved attention to correct letter formation, size and shape with handwriting.
- Huge improvement in handwriting, confidence throughout other areas, pride in work, coordination, pencil grip and skill, improvement in art.
- Students are now confidently writing in cursive and are able to write faster. Letter formation is becoming muscle memory.
- Motivation and enthusiasm towards handwriting. improvement in handwriting styles, neatness and formation. Carrying techniques on to other curriculum areas and presentation.
- The children are engaged and enjoy handwriting. It is easy to project on the big screen for all to see. It is consistent across the whole school. I used it for a whole year in 2023 and saw a huge improvement in handwriting across my class.
- Heaps of changes and benefits. They videos are short but engaging. They show students clearly what to do. It's another adult teaching, not their normal teacher so there is novelty factor.
- Children love the lessons and ask for them if we miss a day. Tidiness of written work has improved immensely, across all subjects. Students are slowing down and taking more pride and care with their word. It's early days but I imagine there will be benefits for their fine motor skills, recognising spelling patterns etc.
- Students who have struggled with size and letter placement are able to see clearly and quickly the changes they need to make. The focus on one letter at a time and having no huge sentence to write really concentrates the focus for better success. Students who are moving to cursive are changing their book placement and seem to be writing faster. This is great as they can then get their ideas down faster during writing time. It also gives us another opportunity to write with a pen and paper rather than on a device; this is always great.
- The children look forward to the structured lessons each day after lunch. Their handwriting has improved in both legibility and speed.
- Handwriting is so much better! It is a great way to start the day as well.
- Correct letter formation; engagement in the modelling process; improved handwriting across the board.
- Students are motivated to have good letter formation. Students are writing with more fluency in their topic and literacy writing.
- Improved handwriting; Improved handwriting fluency; improved handwriting legibility; student pride in their handwriting; increased handwriting endurance; improved personalised handwriting style including signatures.
- Fluency and speed have definitely increased. We talk a lot about the importance of being able to write for 'sustained' periods of time when in Year 7 and 8 and this has helped tremendously. The children understand the importance of developing a fluid handwriting style. Biggest improvement has been in the amount written for struggling writers for e-asTTle testing. When children who struggle with dyslexia no longer have to concentrate on 'how' to write a letter and instead can focus on getting their ideas down on paper, I saw a marked improvement in how much they got written. It can be such a barrier for some children, especially boys, (in my experience) and these lessons have helped tremendously.
- Increase neatness and legibility in all students, particularly neurodiverse students.
- A definite improvement in letter formation during other writing. The students enjoy the daily session and have seen for themselves the improvement over time.
What impact have the videos had on your own professional development?
- Made me see first-hand the importance of it.
- Correct formation for myself.
- Great for formation and the ease of having a video to reinforce .
- They help not having to do everything and have taught me to write in cursive.
- I have made a switch to cursive!
- They're excellent as so clear and explicit. I use the teaching points made.
- Huge improvement for my knowledge.
- I have enjoyed having the video as it is easier for the kids to see and copy and has been good for me to learn to teach handwriting as it is not taught at uni.
- Seeing the importance of handwriting, particularly for improving writing achievement.
- Sequence of when to teach each letters and letter patterns.
- I am again using the skills gained from teaching handwriting to juniors for many years, now utilising with year 7/8.
- I have a better understanding of the sequence that is built on as the lessons progress. I can see how this programme dovetails really well with The Code.
- Know what to teach and how to teach handwriting.
- It has helped me with teaching cursive writing.
- I have certainly learned a few things along the way. It was particularly helpful when moving from teaching juniors to the upper levels, as I was not used to teaching cursive.
- I've become a much more proficient teacher of handwriting.
- It's taken the planning out of my hands which is great, because there aren't a lot of resources out there that plans it out. It means I don't have to think what letters to do together etc; it's all there. The hard work has been done. It means I can focus on the formation of the letters and observe every child doing it. (and trying to break some terrible habits that they've acquired through their schooling)
- It has reinforced the correct way of writing the letters.
- It has been great seeing how these are modelled and also the different ways you can teach it - single letters, bigrams etc.
- Has made me realise how tricky handwriting actually can be and the hints and pointers are great for us to reflect on.
- I understand more about correct letter formation.
- Handwriting is not a strength of mine, so it is great to have the shapes reinforced in an orderly fashion.
- The realisation that my students enjoy routine and repetition. They find the lessons meditative and enjoy them.
- The language while you write each letter has been really helpful. With cursive it is also has supported me in how to teach it.
- Increase in understanding of progression.
- A good reminder that we need to focus more on this in our junior classrooms, so students are not having to 'relearn'.
- It has meant that I am being more explicit with handwriting, giving verbal feedback immediately. I used to just do handwriting cards as partner reading rotations. This is so much more effective.
- Support me to teach what students need, resources there and well-structured progressions provided.
- I have learnt a lot about the prompts and reinforcement of letter direction which also supports my literacy lessons with small groups.
- Reinforcement of best practice in teaching handwriting.
- These have made it really easy to know what we are doing. Teaching for 20 years, a lot of things have come and gone with handwriting and the tamariki are coming with a mixed bag of abilities and letters formed incorrectly. Tamariki don't argue that there way is right when they have seen it from an 'expert' video.
- Structured sequence to follow.
- It has reminded me of the importance of teaching handwriting and the correct letter formation and direction and order of the strokes.
- Ensures there is a common language across the school.
- They have been very helpful and using the suggested order for the videos has definitely allowed the students to build on their skills (as well as us, the teachers).
- I have raised my expectations with the children’s work. Easier for children to edit their writing and I can have a quick glance and easily edit with them .
- Super easy and quick to administer. I have become better at writing in cursive myself. I can move around the room to help students while the video plays, rather than being stuck at the board demonstrating.
- They have made it easier to organise and plan handwriting and also a sense of happiness to see the children enjoy it and implement it into their daily writing.
- I have learned more about handwriting since I was taught at school. I was also not taught how to take handwriting at teachers college so the videos have been perfect for my learning and the students' learning.
- They have allowed me to revisit handwriting and incorporate this into our spelling programme.
- They've helped me get better- I have always had paru handwriting as a kaiako! Great PD for me!
- Very helpful, as they show the correct way to form the letters which I wasn't taught in my teacher training.
- These have helped me greatly as I did not have the knowledge and skills to explicitly teach handwriting.
- Awareness of scope and sequence for teaching cursive handwriting and modelling/think alouds when writing in front of students.
- Heaps. Because they show me and my students exactly what to do. I use them multiple times a week. There is a clear progression to follow.
- Easy to follow - structured progression/scope and sequence that is cumulative - improved formation and knowing what letters join to and from - helps with explicit teaching.
- I love that they are ready to go...simple to implement and the course is broken down into letter patterns and chunks that make sense! Thinking and planning is all done so I simply load the page...cast the lesson to the TV and guide the children through them. We are now using the language of The Write Lesson and I hear the children correct each other where necessary. For example, "Remember the teenage t doesn't go all the way to the top of the line!" Love it!
- Has allowed me to see the benefits of daily handwriting.
Other comments!
- Thank you so much for all your work on these videos. We love them!
- It is great. Thanks for the effort put into raising the profile of the importance of daily handwriting.
- A fantastic resource that should be available to all teachers to use daily.
- It’s a fantastic resource that I wish I had access to earlier in my teaching career.
- This programme is fantastic. Thank you.
- The Write Lesson is an essential part of my structured literacy classroom teaching.
- Congrats Belinda. I absolutely love your resource and I think what you do has a huge impact on kaiako and tamariki alike .
- A great resource that supports teachers to get it right without the extra prep time. Also helps with consistency across staff.
- A great resource. Easy to use.
- Thanks for your mahi.
- I think it's a wonderful resource. Makes teaching handwriting so easy! I love that you are adding spelling patterns as well - works well with spelling lessons.
- These videos have been invaluable especially since finding out that handwriting plays a big role in relieving cognitive load.
- These videos make teaching handwriting so easy and time saving. No need to plan or prepare. I love them!
- Thank you for making our jobs that bit easier!!!! I believe these tutorials are perfectly aligned with the structured explicit teaching that we have been moving towards.
- I have really loved this resource and see its value for all teachers and students.
- I would love to see this rolled out to all classes at my school to gain consistency in practice.
- Great vids! Kia pai to ra!
- Thank you! A fabulous resource that I have now used for two years!
- Thank you for this fabulous resource.